
Monday, May 4, 2009

Dear Baby,

May has finally arrived and your dossier has begun its long journey! It is currently at the Consulate in NYC, and I am told it should be moving on Kazakhstan in the next week or so. I am anxiously awaiting the email from Kathy at MAPS telling me the good news! I check my email often, but no news yet!

April was a busy month, but full of fun things, not so much work as March was. In April, we have more downtime and recover from convention. Annika and I have spent a lot of time outside and gotten to the park quite a bit. She is getting so quick on the monkey bars.

We also planted all sorts of seeds on the planters in the back yard. They are just starting to come up. We usually buy already established plants and put them in the pots, but we decided to go with seeds this year. We'll see how that works out. We planted hollyhocks, snapdragons, a wildflower mix, morning glory, moon flower, poppies, petunias, and sunflowers plus a mix of other things. WE have quite a variety and are looking forward to our patio garden. The rest of the yard is looking nice too, but the flowers are going to be the most exciting part this year.

Annika is enjoying school, especially since they can go outside most days now. Even there, its all monkey bars, all the time. She is waiting for you because she wants to read books to you and take you for walks! She cannot wait to be your big sister. We are also celebrating lots of her special days...the day we met, the day I went to court and in a few weeks, we'll celebrate the day she left the baby house. Some day soon, I hope to be doing all those things with you, little one!

Annika's school had an International Fun Festival 2 weeks ago. It was fun. Theren were games for children and grown ups, international food, and a singing performance by the children. They even sang a Kazakh lullaby! Annika was palnning to wear her Kazakh outfit, but the weather that day was 90 degrees and it was too hot for Kazakh clothes!

So, here we are, another month closer to meeting you! I am excited as the time passes. You are never far from my thoughts. I look at baby clothes and baby toys every time we go shopping, but I know its just too soon. Annika and I talk about starting to look for your special stuffed animal that we will bring to you, just like Kara-bear came to Karaganda to meet Annika and went with me to visit her every day, and soon we will start looking for you special toy. I asked your
Auntie to make you a special little quilt that we could bring with us to Kazakhstan for you, so I am getting closer I feel. I just wish I knew when.

Well little one, the next big news is that the dossier has moved on to Kazakhstan...I hope that happens soon!



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